
Find Strength within Our self


With Blessings of Shri Krishana

Bhagavad Gita For Kids

A Small Story

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Find Strength within Our Self


Once upon a time, in the ancient land of Hastinapura, there lived a young prince named Abhay. He was a curious and kind- hearted boy, and he loved spending time with his friends, exploring the beautiful gardens of the palace.

One sunny morning, as Abhay and his friends were playing hide-and-seek, they heard the sounds of drums and trumpets from a distance. Curious, they followed the sounds and soon found themselves on the outskirts of a vast battlefield.

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                   Learn From Elders

Abhay's heart sank as he saw the armies of the Kauravas and Pandavas lined up, ready for battle.

He had heard about the impending war between the two families, and the sight filled him with sorrow.

As he stood there, lost in thought, he noticed a wise sage sitting under a tree, observing the scene with a calm demeanor

Intrigued, Abhay approached the sage and asked, "Sir, why are they fighting? Why can't they find peace and live together in harmony?"

The sage smiled at Abhay and said, "Young prince, this battle is the result of yearsof misunderstandings, greed, and injustice. But in the midst of this turmoil, there is a valuable lesson to be.

Curious, Abhay asked, "What lesson can we learn from this war, sir?"

The sage replied, "This battlefield symbolizes the constant struggle between good and evil that exists within each of us. The Kauravas represent our inner demons - anger, greed, jealousy, and arrogance, while the Pandavas embody virtues such as truth, righteousness, and

                   How to take wise decision

Abhay pondered over the sage's words. "But how can we defeat our inner demons, sir?" he asked.
The sage answered, "Just like the great warrior Arjuna, who found guidance from Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, we too can seek guidance from the divine wisdom within us. When faced with difficult choices, we must listen to our conscience and act with kindness and compassion."

Abhay nodded thoughtfully, "So, we must choose the path of righteousness, even when it is challenging?"

"Exactly," said the sage. "The true test of character is how we respond to adversity. By choosing goodness and kindness, we can overcome our inner battles and find peace.

Filled with newfound wisdom, Abhay returned to the palace with his friends. From that day on, he made a promise to himself to be a kind and righteous prince, helping others and spreading love wherever he went.
As he grew older, Abhay became known as a just and compassionate ruler, and his kingdom prospered under his wise leadership. And so, the little archer learned the invaluable lesson of choosing goodness over darkness, inspiring others to do the same.

                   How to take wise decision
                   Learn From Elders

Moral Of the Story

Just as Arjuna sought guidance from Lord Krishna, we too can find strength within ourselves to overcome challenges and make choices that lead to a more harmonious and compassionate world.

A Story By

Anuradha Gupta

Dedicate to my Father Dr Avdhesh Kumar Gupta

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