
Which Value Actions should we perform in Life

Which Value Actions should we perform in Life

(The Path to Wisdom)

Arjuna was still feeling unsure about fighting in the big battle.

He asked Krishna for more advice to understand what he should do.

1. Krishna's Teachings:

Krishna started teaching Arjuna some important lessons about life. He said, "Arjuna, you are worried because you think that you are fighting against your family and friends. But you should know that our bodies are like clothes we wear, and our true self, or soul, never dies."

Example: Imagine your favorite toy. If it gets old or breaks, you might get a new one. Your love for playing doesn't change just because the toy does. Similarly, our soul remains the same even though our bodies change.

2. The Importance of Duty:

Krishna then explained the importance of doing one's duty. He said, "As a warrior, it's your duty to fight for justice. Running away from your responsibilities is not the right thing to do."

Example: Think about school. If you have a homework assignment, you need to complete it. Even if it's difficult, doing your homework is your duty as a student.

3. Stay Balanced:

Krishna also taught Arjuna about staying calm and balanced. He said, "Don't let success or failure affect you too much. Just focus on doing your best without worrying about the results."

Example: When playing a game, it's fun whether you win or lose. The important part is enjoying the game and playing fairly.

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4. Knowledge and Wisdom:

Krishna told Arjuna that true wisdom is understanding the difference between right and wrong and acting accordingly. He said, "Wise people do their duty and stay calm in both happy and sad times."

Example: If you see someone being treated unfairly, standing up for them is the right thing to do. Wise actions are based on kindness and fairness.

5. Control Your Mind:

Krishna explained that controlling one's mind and staying focused is very important. He said, "Our mind can sometimes be like a wild monkey, jumping from one thought to another. We need to calm it down and focus on what is right."

Example: When you are doing a puzzle, you need to concentrate and not get distracted. This helps you solve it faster and better.

6. Path of Devotion:

Krishna also talked about devotion and trusting in something greater than ourselves. He said, "Have faith and trust in the good, and you will find peace and happiness."

Example: When you feel scared at night, believing that your parents are there to protect you helps you feel safe and calm.

Arjuna's Decision:

After listening to Krishna, Arjuna felt much better. He understood that doing his duty with a calm mind and trusting in what is right was the best path. He decided to fight in the battle, not for personal gain, but to stand up for justice and truth.


Why was Arjuna still feeling unsure about fighting in the big battle?

Arjuna was unsure because he didn't want to fight against his family and friends.

What did Krishna compare our bodies to?

Krishna compared our bodies to clothes that we wear.

What does Krishna say our true self is?

Krishna says our true self is the soul, which never dies


Why is it important for Arjuna to do his duty as a warrior?

It's important for Arjuna to do his duty as a warrior because it is the right thing to do for justice.

How does Krishna suggest Arjuna handle success and failure?

Krishna suggests that Arjuna should stay calm and not let success or failure affect him too much, focusing instead on doing his best.

What does true wisdom mean according to Krishna?

True wisdom means understanding the difference between right and wrong and acting accordingly.

Why should we stand up for what is right and fair?

We should stand up for what is right and fair because it shows wisdom and kindness.

How did Krishna describe the mind, and what should we do about it?

Krishna described the mind as a wild monkey that jumps from one thought to another, and we should calm it down and focus on what is right.

What does it mean to control your mind and stay focused?

Controlling your mind and staying focused means not getting distracted and concentrating on doing the right thing.

How can having faith and trust help us, according to Krishna?

Having faith and trust can help us find peace and happiness.

What example did Krishna give to explain staying calm and balanced?Krishna gave the example of enjoying a game whether you win or lose, emphasizing the importance of playing fairly and enjoying the process.

Why is it important to focus on doing your best without worrying about results?

Focusing on doing your best without worrying about results helps you stay dedicated and not get distracted by outcomes.

How does playing a game relate to Krishna's teachings about success and failure?

Playing a game relates to Krishna's teachings because it's important to enjoy the game and play fairly, regardless of winning or losing.

What did Arjuna decide to do after listening to Krishna's advice?

Arjuna decided to fight in the battle with a clear mind and determination to do what is right.

Why did Arjuna choose to fight in the battle in the end?

Arjuna chose to fight not for personal gain, but to stand up for justice and truth.

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