
Never Give Up-Motivational story

Motivational Tales

Never Give Up

 Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived four close friends—a mouse, a deer, a crow, and a tortoise. They spent their days together, sharing food and enjoying each other's company.

One day, the mouse, while wandering near a farmer's field, overheard the farmer talking to his wife. The farmer was worried about the damage the mouse had caused to his crops. He said, "That mischievous mouse is destroying my crops. I must find a way to catch it."

Terrified, the mouse returned to its friends and told them about the farmer's plan. The crow suggested, "Let's leave this forest and go to a safer place where the farmer can't harm us."

The deer agreed, "Yes, it's better to be safe than sorry. We should leave immediately."

But the tortoise had a different idea. He said, "I am too slow to escape from the farmer. I will be able to survive on my own. You three should go ahead and find a new home, and I will stay behind."

The mouse, the deer, and the crow didn't want to leave their friend behind, but the tortoise insisted. So, with heavy hearts, they bid farewell to the tortoise and set out to find a new home.

They soon found a beautiful forest far away from the farmer's field, where they lived peacefully, away from harm. They missed their dear friend, the tortoise, but they knew he had made his choice.

Back in the old forest, the tortoise decided to dig a deep hole and bury himself inside it whenever he felt threatened. He believed this would keep him safe from harm.

Days turned into weeks, and one day, a group of mischievous boys entered the forest. They spotted the tortoise and decided to have some fun. They dug him out of his hole and started playing with him. The tortoise, unable to escape quickly, felt helpless.

Meanwhile, the mouse, the deer, and the crow, who had been living peacefully in their new home, heard about the tortoise's predicament. They immediately rushed back to their old forest to save their friend.

When they arrived, they saw the boys tormenting the tortoise. The deer, with its speed, scared the boys away, and the crow cawed loudly, causing them to flee in fear.

The friends were reunited, and the tortoise realized that unity and quick action had saved him from harm. He said, "I was wrong to think I could protect myself on my own. True safety lies in the company of loyal friends."

Moral Of the Story

The moral of the story is that Never Give up the situation, never know who can come to your support. Moreover unity is strength. In times of trouble, Your Patient and the support and cooperation of friends can help overcome even the most challenging situations.

Write the Answers of the Questions Based on this stories

Who were the four close friends in the story, and what animals did they represent?

Why did the mouse decide to leave the forest?

What suggestion did the crow give when they heard about the farmer's plan?

Why did the tortoise choose to stay behind in the old forest?

Where did the remaining friends find a new home, and why did they choose that location?

What strategy did the tortoise employ to protect himself from harm?

Who saved the tortoise when he was in trouble, and how did they do it?

What is the moral lesson conveyed by this story?

How did the friends' unity and cooperation help them in the end?

Can you think of any other situations where unity and cooperation among friends might be important?

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